HBSA is Proud to provide members with the opportunities to develop in every area of their lives! Apart from our Community service, professional development, and social events, we also host many different programs exclusively for members to push themselves and acquire new skills alongside their familia!

Vice President


Rising Leaders Program

Through the Rising Leaders Program, selected members are given more opportunity to make an impact in our familia. Each Committee consists of the officers and three committee Chairs, who gain more insight into the officer roles, assist with events, and bring their own initiatives to life. The “Mini Board” Allows Members To step up to a leadership role while helping us run the organization smoothly. Click on the Image to meet our Fall 2021 Officer Council!


Financial Committee


Public Speaking Competition

The Public Speaking competition gives members an opportunity to step out of their comfort zone and push themselves to perfect the skill of speaking in front of audiences. Each member has the chance to speak on an assigned topic and receives feedback from judges. At the end of the semester, the top three participants receive a scholarship as a reward!


 Professional Committee



The Association Of Latino Professionals For America Is A National Organization Composed Of Over 95,000+ Members With A Common Goal Of Building Relationships And Encouraging Latino Leadership In The Workforce.

ALPFA Was The First National Latino Professional Association In The United States, Established In Los Angeles In 1972. ALPFA Continues To Build Upon Its Proud Legacy With A Mission: To Empower And Develop Latino Men And Women As Leaders Of Character For The Nation. Click on the Image to learn more about our connections with ALPFA!


Contact our Corporate Directors, Mayra Zamudio or Brenda Sosa, for more information!

D & I Career Mixer

Through our Diversity and Inclusion Career Mixer, members meet with professionals from companies exclusively looking to diversify their company by recruiting and providing opportunities to minorities. This Spring will be the third semester in a row where we host this event, and we are so excited to see our members continue to network and secure opportunities!


Mock Interview & CASE Competition

Our Mock Interview and Case Competition are opportunities where members get to use the skills they have learned in college and apply them to real world situations! Our partners are invited to come out and participate as judges to give helpful feedback and select the top candidates, who will receive a scholarship at the end of the semester.





The Future Leaders Development Program is a mentorship program we have in the Spring with high school students. The purpose of the program is to mentor graduating high school seniors in their transitions to higher education. We hold workshops that teach students about the skills we have acquired to ensure that they have a successful college career.


Cub Crawl

Cub Crawl is one of our members’ favorite events! This is where HBSA members come together to present workshops to 50+ elementary school students to help them see their potential and remind them that they can achieve anything they set their minds to.


engagement COMMITTEE


Bigs and Littles Program

The Bigs and Littles Program is where a new member is paired with a returning member to push them to come out to events, give them more insight into our organization, and help them meet the familia. Through this program, members are paired up based on their personality, and the “best” Big and little have the opportunity of winning a scholarship at the end of the semester.


Professional Mentorship Program

The Professional Mentorship Program has been a key part in helping our members master the skills to succeed in the corporate world. Through this Program, Alumni not only help Our members become better prepared for life after college, but also develop a long term relationship they can continue after their time in HBSA.